Hair Growth Cycle

Hair is so much more than just a cosmetic accessory; its growth journey begins deep within the follicles of our scalps. This process, while complex and often overlooked, has four distinct phases that help create beautiful locks each day – anagen (growth), catagen (transition), telogen (resting), and exogen (shedding).

To gain insight into how your hair grows, it’s important to understand what happens behind the scenes in these special structures on top of our heads. Look at this intricate cycle today and learn why healthy strands depend heavily on proper knowledge about your follicles!

Anagen (Growing Phase)

Anagen, known as the growth phase, is the first stage of the hair growth cycle. During this phase, cells within the hair bulb divide, pushing the old hair out, and a new strand of hair begins to form through the follicle.

Anagen is an important stage for those looking for longer hair, as the length added during this period is much greater than in the other stages. This is why the anagen phase can last anywhere from 2-5 years, depending on genetics and other factors.

Catagen (Transition Phase)

Once anagen is complete, the follicles enter a brief resting phase known as the catagen phase. During this stage, the hair follicle shrinks and detaches from the nourishing blood supply.

This phase generally lasts about ten days, signaling the end of the hair growth cycle for that particular hair strand.

Telogen (Resting Phase)

The third phase, telogen, is when the follicle enters a resting state. This rest period lasts somewhere between three and seven months before the final stage of hair shedding begins.

During the telogen phase, no new growth occurs in the follicle; instead, it remains inactive until it is ready to transition into the exogen phase.

Exogen (Shedding Phase)

The exogen phase of hair growth is necessary, although it can arguably be the most frustrating. However, shedding in this phase is completely normal, with most people losing 50 to 100 hairs daily.

While it may seem alarming to see hair falling out, this is simply the old hair making way for new growth. The exogen phase typically lasts about 2 to 5 months and is an extension of the telogen stage of hair growth. Regular washing and brushing can help facilitate the shedding process, allowing healthy new hair to grow.

Importance of Understanding Hair Growth Cycle

It is essential to know the four stages of hair growth to ensure healthy, strong strands. Knowing when each phase begins and ends can help you keep track of any changes in your hair texture or density.

With the right measures, such as following a balanced diet, it is possible to improve the quality of your hair overall. Additionally, understanding the natural rhythm of hair growth can help you be more patient if you try new treatments or products for added length or thickness.

Becoming aware of each step in the hair cycle can positively affect the look and feel of your locks!

How Does the Hair Growth Cycle Get Affected When Disrupted?

hormonal imbalances

When the natural hair growth cycle is disrupted, it can significantly impact your hair’s overall health and appearance. This is because the growth cycle is a complex process involving hair follicles’ growth and shedding.

Disruptions to the growth cycle can be caused by a range of factors, including:

  • hormonal imbalances
  • stress
  • thyroid disease
  • medication
  • nutritional imbalance
  • skin diseases
  • chemotherapy/ radiation

When the growth cycle is disrupted, it can result in hair losshair thinning, and other issues that can be frustrating and challenging to manage. However, understanding the causes and effects of disrupted hair growth can help you take the necessary steps to keep your hair healthy and prevent further damage.

How to Keep Your Hair Healthy During the Four Stages

Healthy Hair Care

Healthy Hair Care

Maintaining healthy hair during the four stages is essential to prevent hair breakage, loss, and scalp hair damage. Using the right shampoo and conditioner appropriate for your hair type is the first step in promoting healthy growth.

While finding the right products can take some trial and error, paying attention to how your hair responds to different shampoos and conditioners is crucial. In addition to using the correct hair products, treating your hair with care can make a significant difference.

This includes avoiding extremely hot water while shampooing and towel-drying your hair gently. Since hair is more vulnerable when wet, turning down the heat when drying your hair is also important. Following these hair care tips ensures your hair remains healthy throughout all four stages.

Eat a Balanced Diet

A nutritious and balanced diet is essential for maintaining healthy and strong hair. Protein, vitamins, minerals, and healthy fats promote optimal hair growth and vitality.

Including foods like fish, eggs, leafy greens, lean meats, beans, nuts, and seeds in your daily diet can give your body the necessary vitamins and minerals to promote healthy hair growth.

Along with promoting healthy hair growth, a balanced diet can improve overall health, including cardiovascular health, and aid in weight management. Therefore, you can support your hair health and well-being by prioritizing a balanced diet.

Less Stress

Stress has a major impact on hair health, as it can interfere with the growth cycle. Therefore, reducing stress and anxiety is important to ensure healthy and strong locks.

Stress can be reduced by practicing yoga or meditation, exercising, reading, listening to music, and spending time outdoors. Self-care is also a great way to relieve stress and help maintain healthy hair.

Final Thoughts

Beautiful locks help give your look a finished feel, but it’s important to understand the hair growth cycle. Each stage—anagen, catagen, telogen, and exogen—plays an essential part in maintaining healthy hair that looks amazing.

To keep these phases running smoothly and prevent any disruption or excess shedding due to underlying conditions, incorporate low-stress activities into your lifestyle, proper nutrition, and gentle haircare; check out Vitamins Revive for hair care products – this should ensure luscious strands for years to come!

If, however, you’re still concerned about accelerated thinning – don’t hesitate to seek advice from medical professionals who can provide support on how best to manage each phase of the process and sustain good condition over time.


How to grow hair faster?

The best way to grow your hair faster is to maintain a healthy lifestyle with a balanced diet and regular exercise. Additionally, using the right products appropriate for your hair type can help promote growth and hydrate the scalp. Finally, avoiding excessive heat, styling, or washing will keep hair follicles strong and intact.

What causes slowed-down hair growth?

Slowed-down hair growth can be caused by factors such as hormone imbalances, underlying medical conditions, medications, styling and haircare techniques, age, and diet. If you experience an unusually long period between the anagen and telogen phases of the growth cycle – consult your doctor to rule out any underlying issues causing disruption.

Does hair growth occur in the hair shaft?

No, hair growth does not occur in the hair shaft. Instead, hair growth occurs at the follicle’s root and is triggered by hormones, nutrition, and other environmental factors. As new cells are formed at the follicle’s base, old cells are pushed out from the scalp – resulting in new strands that grow longer with time.

What are the signs of new hair growth?

The signs of new hair growth include dark spots, increased volume, softer texture, and shinier and more vibrant color. Additionally, the scalp may become dryer and less oily as your new strands emerge.